Hey, welcome to my blog. Be free to add comment if you want to, and i would be appreciate if you offer me suggestions about anything that on my blog, also be honest of what you think!
I thinks this record is a PSA record because this record aiming to make people to recycle and it is not an advertisement about anything. This record have a lot of sound effect which make me interesting but also make me a little bit confuse that I need to hear it again to able to get it.I thinks this PSA is for teenager 15 above. It is very focused on the main topic so it is a good PSA.
I thinks this record is a PSA record because this record aiming to make people to recycle and it is not an advertisement about anything. This record have a lot of sound effect which make me interesting but also make me a little bit confuse that I need to hear it again to able to get it.I thinks this PSA is for teenager 15 above. It is very focused on the main topic so it is a good PSA.